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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Fox
May 9th
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POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 7:14:45 GMT
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The fact that Howard Slayte, admin of Team Rocket, holder of Regice, and the head of Rocket's financial arm still used newspapers was a piece of irony that would never not be amusing, if not fitting.

Yet newspapers still had value. Servers could wipe, data could be lost, and online articles could be deleted. Once a newspaper was printed, it was archived and chronicled. A physical object that could be preserved for eternity. When the admin's eye had scanned the page, he had come across a familiar face.

Click. Click. Click. Worn leather boots clicked against stone as Howard walked towards the house of Naomi Sato with the newspaper under his arm.

Sootopolis was a lovely city, rich in culture and history. It was a shame that Rocket had marred it with its presence. Howard sighed as he approached the door. He stood in front of it, crossed his arms, and waited.

"Head Scientist Sato." He told the door. He made no attempt to knock on it. Nomi was the Visionary.

She would see him coming.

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
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5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 18:03:09 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

She had seen him coming.[break][break]
She watched the city of Sootopolis with more scrutiny, now; more paranoia tracing the lines of her vision. A cloak of Unown hovered around her own home, invisible to the naked eye, vigilant in their adherence to their Avatars orders. Parker was still on bedrest, and she would not abide even her allies - save perhaps - showing up within a mile of her girlfriend without her explicit permission.[break][break]
Howard had been allowed to pass: the first of the Rockets to seek her out since had publicly ruined her, and one Nomi trusted more than most.[break][break]
There was a newspaper under his arm. Very few details escaped the Visionary's notice.[break][break]
"I told you to call me Nomi."[break][break]
The lock clicked. The door cracked open, crimson eyes - back to normal, now that she'd temporarily severed her connection to the Unown - peering out. She opened it a fraction wider, enough to let him in.[break][break]
What stood behind the door was a haggard version of Rocket's brilliant innovator. Dark circles under eyes that seemed to echo a recent anger, a sickly cast to her already pale skin marred with cuts, burns and bruises, and, perhaps strangest of all, short-cropped blue hair the same shimmering shade as Kallistatus, who hovered beside her.[break][break]
"Come in."




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Admin Fox
May 9th
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POSTED ON Apr 29, 2024 21:54:17 GMT
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For a moment, Howard thought that the woman who opened the door was the elusive that he had heard much about. That was quickly rectified by the glimmering Unown by her side. Appearances could change and names revised, but bonds and memories did not so easily disappear.

If this woman had Kallistatus, then she was indeed Naomi Sato.

"Sorry, I get formal as a defensive measure. Courtesy can be an ironclad shield, I feel." Rocket consisted of individuals far stronger than Howard, and he used a slew of placations, formalities, and acts of subservience to maintain positive relationships with them all. "Evening, Nomi."

He was helpful, therefore he was liked. It was as simple as that.

When the door creaked wider, he slipped inside the house. It was small and cute, but the pessimism of the admin made him suspect that the house was overpriced and expensive. Hoenn's housing market was not one to be trifled with, and the price of a flat in Rustboro made Howard occasionally think that joining Rocket was the right call.

"You look terrible." There was no need to dance around a truth they both knew. "Being outed doesn't agree with you. I like the hair, though."

He looked around for a few moments, having given his pleasantries. He gestured at the newspaper, then at the Head Scientist. As the pages ruffled, a flash of Nomi and her original look appeared on a page poking out between paper folds.

"Can we sit? I have questions, you have answers." He gave her a small smile. "Your position demands you to, at least."

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 2:41:45 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

She appreciated his candor; it quirked the corners of chapped lips that had not known a real smile in days.[break][break]
"I like it too," she replied softly, absently fingering the shorn edges of the blue bob. Though it had only been a handful of weeks, she hardly recognized the pink-haired version of herself anymore: every old photograph a reminder of what she'd sacrificed for Hoenn's continued survival. So much more than hair had been violently severed; her academic career, her public identity, her civilian friendships. Worst of all, Parker could get hurt again if she wasn't especially careful.[break][break]
And was it worth it? Her doubts picked at her heart like a scab. What if it never matters, in the end...?[break][break]
Howard flipped to one such pink-haired image of Nomi in the newspaper he carried - a very familiar image, one she'd looked at so many times since its publishing that it was burned into her memory like a cognitive brand - and she nodded, resigned. She had expected this.[break][break]
"Come with me," she motioned for him to follow her into the kitchen, sitting him down at the table and shuffling over to the stove. "Tea?"[break][break]
She put the kettle on the burner without waiting for his answer.[break][break]
"What is it you would like to know?"




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Admin Fox
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POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 6:56:50 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
He followed her, the accents of cherry wood that gilded the kitchen reminding him of Johto.

"Do not take offense to this, you know I don't mean to insult you." He started, his voice tentative and oddly formal still. Starting with those words wasn't particularly wise, but there was nothing to do but soldier on. "But I don't even know where to begin."

He flattened out the newspaper while Nomi fussed over the tea. As always, his eye focused on Kallistatus. Unown were fascinating creatures, and the admin had a particular love for them even now. Birds of a feather flocked together, he supposed. Howard and Unown shared one thing in common, at least:

An eye.

The newspaper held an article by the HBIC, reporting the identity of a dangerous person. Naomi Sato's face stared back at him, flat and lifeless, before the admin turned to the real deal.

"How did this happen?" Howard rubbed his temples as he spoke, as if the conversation was already giving him a headache. To an extent, it was. A member of Rocket's upper leadership had been blown, even if Nomi herself had done an excellent job at damage control. "How'd the HBIC catch up with you?"

To narrow. Both Howard and Nomi were academics. A broader question would be a better start.

"Can you start at the beginning?"

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON May 10, 2024 3:47:12 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

The beginning?[break][break]
She could take him to the very beginning, if he wished. The Unown had shown her the moment of creation: when Arceus had said, "let there be light." She could take him to the day she'd interrogated Nisa Holo during the Meteno incident, those cruel peridot eyes meeting Nomi's for the very first time, so full of zealous pride. She could take him to the moment of her ascension, when the Unown had made her their Avatar, setting her on the path of prophecy in lieu of scientific advancement.[break][break]
"There are many beginnings," she murmured, preparing two empty mugs with tea bags: a traditional Sencha from Johto. "So I will answer your question with a question, for which you must forgive me."[break][break]
Kallistatus drifted over to Howard, and hovered at his shoulder expectantly. The shiny Unown-K had taken a liking to the Admin. Or perhaps to Regice. Which was the same thing, really.[break][break]
"How much do you know about Hoenn? Our Hoenn," she emphasized. "Does the term Origin Point mean anything to you?"




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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
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POSTED ON May 11, 2024 20:16:51 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
It all came back to the multiverse. Hoenns within Hoenns within Hoenns. An eternal spiral of worlds with no discernable beginning. Except there was a beginning, back when the multiverse was new. There was, in fact, an origin point.

"On a historical level? I know Hoenn well. I could tell you about the first pioneers who landed here, about the Draconids that charted the stars, about the native people who worked the land, about the geological eras that act as the foundation of this world."

Yet he suspected that wasn't what Nomi was talking about. When dealing with someone who could transcend dimensions, the physical history of Hoenn seemed increasingly small in comparison. The Visionary saw the grand scheme of things, but what about the small and minute?

"Though that term," Howard tapped Kallistatus in a manner that could be considered petting, "is unknown to me. You said origin point, yes?"

He tucked his head to his chest, deep in thought. Why would such a term interest Nomi? There was only one group that she pursued to fervently.

"Is it connected to the DRK Triad?"

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
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5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON May 12, 2024 4:18:51 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

The kettle whined, and Nomi took it from the burner. Daintily, she filled each mug with steaming water, listening as Howard summarized his impressive academic resume. A different sort of man might sound arrogant while rattling off the various topics of his expertise, but Howard did so matter-of-factly, humble in his own acknowledgement of how unhelpful his vast knowledge base happened to be in this specific context.[break][break]
Kallistatus seemed to shimmer brighter, as if preening, singular eye rolling upwards to gaze at Howard with an adoring air as it was pet. Nomi shook her head, amused.[break][break]
"Is it connected to the DRK Triad?" She echoed. A soft clink announced the arrival of their mugs on the table, and her presence sitting across from Howard. "It is the reason they are here."[break][break]
They'd coined the term, after all. Or perhaps Arceus had. It was the Original One, after all.[break][break]
"The DRK Triad believe our Hoenn - universe 820 to be exact - will be the catalyst of a great disaster. An apocalypse. This is why they refer to us as the Origin Point."[break][break]
Nomi kept her voice clinical, detached from the horror of such a revelation.[break][break]
"They are hoping to destroy us before this cataclysmic event can take place."[break][break]
The tea was surely too hot to drink. Discipline kept her from sipping it too soon.[break][break]




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Admin Fox
May 9th
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POSTED ON May 12, 2024 6:07:56 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
There was a reason? Howard had never really given it thought.

"I never thought there was a purpose to our region's otherworldly suffering. It's a hard concept to grasp. Hell, I figured it was just another law of the universe, like gravity or time or space. It'd be hard to argue against that, Nomi." The admin crossed his arms in thought as he gave Kallistatus a smirk. "Now you're telling me that it's intentional? Particular?"

As if challenging his parent, Howard took the cup and sipped on the scalding hot tea. His eye twitched for a moment, but he didn't start screaming or shouting. Instead, he grimaced and put the tea down.

"Damn, that's hot." He was a lot more like Regice than he let on. Extreme temperatures hardly bothered him anymore. Whether that was nerve death or mere resistance remained to be seen. "Arceus above."

The tea was delicious, but it was best to focus on Nomi. It'd be rude if a guest didn't respect the effort of the host.

"So this world is going to end?" Howard's lip twitched down into a downcast expression. "Huh."

It was the voice of a man who did not understand the dire circumstances of the situation. Who could? The end of the universe was too vast for the average person. Howard studied humans and their history, not the end times.

"That doesn't matter. The DRK Triad is wrong." He gave Nomi a look. "They misunderstand the human condition, and how every timeline works."

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
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5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON May 12, 2024 15:37:16 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Howard deliberately sipped the scalding tea as if in rebellion - against Nomi or the DRK Triad, she wasn't entirely sure. Perhaps he simply wanted to prove that he still had some semblance of agency, in the face of such an overwhelming revelation about their swiftly collapsing world.[break][break]
"They are wrong," she agreed, with an adamant edge to her tone. "Precisely because they have not, as of yet, provided any hard evidence - any real proof - that what they believe is, in fact, the truth."[break][break]
She paused, glanced down at her own tea. She waved a hand over it, an old practice of her grandmother's. Tendrils of heat tickled the palm of her hand. She continued to wait.[break][break]
"You bring up the human condition. As you should - it is highly relevant to our predicament."[break][break]
Kallistatus drifted from Howard to Nomi, sensing a shift in the conversation: predicting its own imminent involvement in their discourse.[break][break]
"The DRK Triad are people. They are selfish, and their agenda is, in all likelihood, not as altruistic as it may seem. I myself have noticed some inconsistencies in their narrative. Not only that, but I have reason to believe they are not as united as they claim to be."[break][break]
She met Kallistatus's gaze, then.[break][break]
"But, above all else, Kallistatus and many of its kin were willing to betray them. And I think that matters a great deal, Howard, because I am fairly confident that the Unown are the only living creatures capable of finding Arceus."[break][break]
The Unown were the eyes of God. If they were divided on the DRK Triad's involvement with Arceus, that was very telling indeed.




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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
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POSTED ON May 12, 2024 19:20:54 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"You're correct, but you misunderstand."

He could not match the adamancy or drive of Naomi Sato in this field. She saw things on a level that few would ever comprehend. Howard had one functioning eye, but Nomi had dozens and more. If the Visionary did not see the route forward, then what was the point of her title?

Her gaze was too wide. Too broad. Too omniscient. They needed to tone the conversation back slightly, lest the admin's brain explode.

"They are wrong because humanity cannot be crushed into dust. We will persist, and even better, we will flourish in spite of the struggle because it is the human condition to do so." As Kallistatus left Howard for Nomi, the admin resisted the urge to point out its treason against him. Howard thought that he and the Unown were tight. "We will survive because we always have. The other universes must face that fact as well. History is a loop, and time is a flat circle."

He did not wait. The teacup was lifted to his lips. A functioning eye gave Nomi a look, while the other was concealed under an eyepatch. A glimpse of scar tissue poked out from behind the cloth.

"Our victory is assured because we as a species have always won." His faith in humanity was unshakeable. While Howard didn't study what would happen tomorrow, he knew from what happened yesterday that mankind's resume was broad and expansive.

"Arceus? Shit." His ears reddened. "I mean shoot. Where does Arceus factor in? That staircase in the RKS Simulation?"

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
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5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON May 23, 2024 4:47:46 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Nomi was the sort of person who looked towards the future; Howard was her opposite: a man intent on learning from the past. He was right: history did repeat itself, and humanity had weathered countless storms - this was just another blip in the cosmic timeline of their species.[break][break]
But it was their blip.[break][break]
"Nothing in life is certain," she gently corrected him, agreeing to disagree. "Not even death."[break][break]
All of Hoenn's news outlets had said Top Champion was dead, but that man had come back to life before - and he would do so again, in time. When Gods were in the mix, anything was possible.[break][break]
Which was precisely why they needed to act. They were the ones responsible for ensuring Howard's confidence in humanity's survival remained steadfast. The DRK Triad believed their destruction inevitable. Something had to give.[break][break]
"In any case," she sighed, watching the Admin make moves towards his tea. He's going to burn his mouth. "The DRK Triad claim to be working for Arceus. Well, an Arceus. I don't think it's ours. Which is why I want to find ours." She paused. "I have questions."[break][break]
Which reminded her: questions were the reason he'd come to her house in the first place.[break][break]
"I digress. You wanted to know how this - " she pointed at her blue hair, which seemed as good a symbol as any for what had happened to her over the last few weeks. " - happened." She paused. Her own tea was almost ready. "It happened because I want to save Hoenn from the DRK Triad, and there are powerful people out there who...don't exactly like my methods."




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Admin Fox
May 9th
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An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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POSTED ON May 27, 2024 1:07:33 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"That so?"

It wasn't a question pointed towards anything that Nomi said. It was more of a general acknowledgement of everything she had said. It was a lot to take in. The death of all things, the life of all things, the end of everything, and so on. It didn't help that there were apparently multiple Arceus, and that didn't even seem to be the important part.

It didn't help that Nomi had just unraveled several religions with Arceus at the center with a single sentence.

"A thousand arms, a thousand Arceus, I suppose that makes sense. It's a lot to take in, though. Let's focus in on that last part."

He rustled the newspaper. Every crossword puzzle on the back page was meticulously done, meaning that Howard had both the time to read it and to flex his linguistic skills.

"Who?" Howard burned the roof of his mouth again on the tea as he flipped through the pages, coming to the HBIC article. "Who snitched on you? Why?"

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
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5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON May 27, 2024 4:06:38 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Nomi liked crosswords, but, admittedly, they'd become a lot easier now that the Unown were her constant companions. The challenge just wasn't quite there anymore.[break][break]
"Not a snitch." She shook her head. It wasn't like that. This was her own doing. She would not turn away from the guilt; she needed to wield it. Needed to learn from it.[break][break]
"I've been meeting, in private, with various members of the League for several months now. The faction conflict is a distraction, one the DRK Triad is keen on perpetuating. It keeps us all occupied while they further their own agenda. I'm trying to put a temporary halt to it, in favor of a unified front against our common enemy."[break][break]
In one graceful motion, she lifted her mug to her lips, the earthy scent eliciting memories of the tea ceremonies of her youth. She took a tentative sip. It was the perfect temperature.[break][break]
"And no, before you ask, I do not have 's blessing. This is our mission, and ours alone."[break][break]
Ours meaning: Nomi and the Unown. Kallistatus bobbed dramatically in agreement.[break][break]




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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,147 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
Cooperation [S]
POSTED ON May 27, 2024 10:02:55 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
The admin's lips twitched as Nomi confessed her treason. Whenever Howard did something, Rocket was quick to judge and demean his actions, sniffing at any hint of betrayal.

Here Nomi was, admitting to the same acts Howard was accused of doing. It did not seem fair, but who was Howard to doubt Nomi's vision.

"Ah, treason." Howard smiled as he held up his tea and sipped it. He held up a finger to rebuke Nomi's potential rebuttal. "I'm not judging you, nor am I accusing you. I don't think collaboration against a common foe is betraying the doctrine of the organization we represent."

The tea was excellent. Without its scalding heat, Howard could appreciate Nomi's taste in beverage. Years of tea ceremonies had dictated this moment, and Naomi Sato played her role as the gracious host to the highest degree.

"But not telling Walsh implies that our superiors disagree. Doesn't shock me." They were all pricks, anyway. "I'm surprised the League has kept your secret. I assume you disguised yourself."

It seemed easy, given the Head Scientist's new hair.

"So what went awry?"

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